Frequently asked questions.
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Questions about magnetic resonance imaging and open MRI
During a MRI defecography, a patient’s defecation is examined This visualises how the pelvic floor functions at rest, during muscle contraction or during pressing. You can also see whether a bowel movement takes the “normal” path or is stopped by other obstacles. As not only the rectum but all organs of the pelvic floor are visualised, it is also called a dynamic pelvic floor examination. When conducting a MRI defecography, correct preparation of the patient is of decisive importance for a conclusive examination. To assess the posterior pelvic areas (rectum, signum, anal sphincter), it is necessary to fill the rectum with a small amount of gel so that the rectum can be clearly defined and its function can be examined dynamically. Only through this functional visualisation under maximum stress can the pathologies of the pelvic floor be made visible to their full extent.
Most patients have experienced a long period of suffering. Many of them are often nervous and insecure before an examination and understandably so. We take time for you and are familiar with the pain that lead you to us. This helps us to offer the best conditions for a successful MRI examination in a pleasant atmosphere in our practice. Our specially trained staff will look after you from your arrival in our practice until the end of the appointment in order to offer you a comfortable examination in a private atmosphere and to guarantee good diagnostic results.
The upright MRI is totally open. There are no tunnels, no narrow tubes. The system is particularly quiet, the examination is comfortable and does not trigger feelings of being in a confined space. This means that the upright MRI is particularly tolerated by patients who suffer from “claustrophobia”.
Because the system offers you an unrestricted view, you can watch TV or see DVD movies on a large screen during the scan. Wearing headphones – as with other MRI systems – is usually not necessary.
According to the current state of knowledge, there is no danger to the patient’s health as magnetic resonance imaging only uses magnetic fields and radio waves.
Cardiac pacemakers, insulin pumps and cochlear implants can malfunction in the magnetic field, for example, the pacemaker may no longer function properly or may not function at all. Therefore, patients with heart pacemakers cannot be examined unless their pacemaker is MRI compatible.
Metallic foreign bodies within the patient, such as fixed dental prosthesis, artificial joints or metal plates after treatment for a fracture do not usually pose any danger. However, it is important to clarify that the implants you use are MRI-compatible before the examination.
This depends above all on which part of the body needs to be examined. In the upright MRI, special examinations can be carried out in various body positions. The entire scan generally takes between 30 and 45 minutes. However, since you have the opportunity to watch TV or DVD, this time will go by much quicker.
You will not feel anything. In contrast to conventional MRI scans, the upright MRI is quiet and very convenient to use. It does not produce any feelings of being in a confined spice and is therefore also particularly suitable for patients who suffer from “claustrophobia”.
As still as possible. The less you move during the examination, the better the MRI images. If the movement is too strong, the images become blurred or out of focus and prevent a diagnosis from being made based on these images. Individual images may have to be retaken.
In order to conduct the best possible procedure and achieve the best possible results during the pelvic floor examination, you should heed the following tips. You should not eat heavy meals 8 hours before the examination and try to go to the examination with a full bladder. If possible, submit preliminary findings, medical reports and a referral, if available. You can also send the documents in advance by fax or email to the practice. If available, please bring your kidney function levels from your last blood test (creatinine, GFR). If you have special implants or pacemakers, please inform the practice at the time of appointment and have an implant pass ready if necessary. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the practice. The staff is pleased about your interest and will be happy to assist you.
Usually not. For special questions, however, it may be necessary to administer a contrast medium to facilitate a more accurate diagnosis. For example, MRI images of parts of the body with scar tissue from previous operations can often be better assessed.
The contrast medium is injected intravenously into the arm. The injection is performed by qualified medical personnel. The injection of the contrast medium may cause side effects. If you are administered a contrast medium, you will be informed about possible side effects before the injection.
You will receive the images taken directly after the procedure. The written report will be sent directly to your doctor or health care professional.